TS-890S Transceptor Amador HF/50MHz com DSP avançado *OFERTA*


  • TS-890S Transceptor Amador HF/50MHz com DSP avançado *OFERTA*
  • TS-890S Transceptor Amador HF/50MHz com DSP avançado *OFERTA*
  • TS-890S Transceptor Amador HF/50MHz com DSP avançado *OFERTA*
  • TS-890S Transceptor Amador HF/50MHz com DSP avançado *OFERTA*
de R$ 53.858,66
por R$ 37.999,00
Economize: R$ 15.859,66
á vista R$ 34.959,08
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1x R$ 37.999,00
2x R$ 18.999,50 (sem juros)
3x R$ 12.666,33 (sem juros)
4x R$ 9.499,75 (sem juros)
5x R$ 7.599,80 (sem juros)
6x R$ 6.864,15 (com juros)
7x R$ 5.950,55 (com juros)
8x R$ 5.265,78 (com juros)
9x R$ 4.733,56 (com juros)
10x R$ 4.308,13 (com juros)
11x R$ 3.960,37 (com juros)
12x R$ 3.670,85 (com juros)
13x R$ 3.426,14 (com juros)
14x R$ 3.216,63 (com juros)
15x R$ 3.035,28 (com juros)
16x R$ 2.876,82 (com juros)
17x R$ 2.737,19 (com juros)
18x R$ 2.613,28 (com juros)
Juros de 2.35% ao mês - *Parcelamento em 18x disponível para algumas bandeiras de cartão, de acordo com a política do Pagseguro

TS-890S Transceptor Amador HF/50MHz com DSP avançado

ATENÇÃO: Valor do equipamento não inclui impostos para o seu estado, que pode variar dependendo do estado de destino. Entre em contato pelo Whatsapp (19) 99939-5597 para maiores informações e fazer o pedido. 

Kenwood TS-890S HF/50MHz Transceiver

The most rewarding results often take place when faced with the harshest and most challenging conditions. HF enthusiasts know this all too well because of their love of HF. KENWOOD has the answer. Achieve results through certainty, not circumstance, delivered with impeccable receiver and audio performance.


Kenwood TS-890S HF/50MHz Transceiver


Key Features of the Kenwood TS-890S HF + 6M Transceiver:

• 160-6 meters 100W All Modes • Full Down-Conversion Superheterodyne • Extra-low phase noise Local Oscillator • Built-in Roofing Filters, 15 kHz, 6 kHz, 2.7 kHz, and 500 Hz (270 Hz optional) • 7 inch TFT color display • High-speed Independent Band Scope • Animated Meter display toggles between TS-930 and TS-940 meter styles at a touch! • External display connector (DVI-I) • ANT output for external receiver • RF Attenuator (OFF/6/12/18dB) • Advanced DSP Noise Reduction function • Heavy-duty design delivers transmitter performance and endurance operation • Built-in high-speed automatic antenna tuner for rapid band changes • Encode & decode built-in for CW / PSK / RTTY • 120 channel memory • 3 PF keys (preferred function) • Screen capture • Remote operation via direct LAN connection (see KNS in owner's manual) • Multiple USB connections • KEYPAD jack (add up to 8 external PF keys)


Manufacturer's Part Number:
Part Type:
Base Transceivers
Product Line:
Kenwood TS-890S HF/50MHz Transceiver
DXE Part Number:
FCC License Required to Transmit:
Internal HF Antenna Tuner:
Receive Range 1:
0.030-60.000 MHz
Receive System:
Single receiver
Dual Watch:
Roofing Filter Capability:
Roofing Filter Bandwidth:
15kHz, 6kHz, 2.7kHz, 500Hz (Opt. 270Hz)
Transceiver Power Supply:
External, not included
Transceiver Input Voltage:
13.8 Vdc
Transceiver Maximum Current:
22.0 A
Antenna Ports:
Dedicated Receive Antenna Input:
Computer Connection Type:
RS-232 or USB
Digital Mode Audio Input/Output:
USB or 13-pin DIN
External Display Capability:
Voice Synthesizer Capability:
Hand Microphone Included:
Radio Width:
15.590 in.
Radio Height:
5.560 in.
Radio Depth:
13.380 in.
35.000 lbs.
Sold individually.
No microphone is provided. Radio has separate RX IN/OUT plus a shared RX output. Computer USB operation requires driver download before connection. ARUA-10 USB Audio Controller can be downloaded from the following website.
Band Agility:
SSB/CW Maximum Power:
100 W
SSB/CW Minimum Power:
5 W
AM Maximum Power:
25 W
AM Minimum Power:
5 W

Additional Information

Band Coverage Transmit Frequency Range
160 meters 1.800-1.999 MHz
80 meters 3.500-3.999 MHz
40 meters 7.000-7.300 MHz
30 meters 10.100-10.150 MHz
20 meters 14.000-14.350 MHz
17 meters 18.068-18.168 MHz
15 meters 21.000-21.450 MHz
12 meters 24.890-24.990 MHz
10 meters 28.000-29.695 MHz
6 meters 50.000-54.000 MHz

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