MFJ-17758 Dipolo, 80/40-metros


  • MFJ-17758 Dipolo, 80/40-metros
  • MFJ-17758 Dipolo, 80/40-metros
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MFJ-17758 Dipolo, 80/40-metros

Short 85 foot long dual band 80/40 Meter dipole antenna is full-size on 40 Meters and has ultra-efficient end-loading on 80 Meters. Handles 1500 Watts. Super-strong injection-molded center insulator with built-in SO-239 connector and hang hole. Solderless , crimped construction. 7-strand, #14 gauge hard copper antenna wire. Connect your coax feedline directly, no tuner needed.

Short 85 foot long dual band 80/40 Meter dipole antenna is full-size on 40 Meters and has ultra-efficient end-loading on 80 Meters. Handles 1500 Watts. Super-strong injection-molded center insulator with built-in SO-239 connector and hang hole. Solderless , crimped construction. 7-strand, #14 gauge hard copper antenna wire. Connect your coax feedline directly, no tuner needed.

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