MFJ-9214 QRP pocket Wattmeter/dummy load, 5 Watts


  • MFJ-9214 QRP pocket Wattmeter/dummy load, 5 Watts
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MFJ-9214 QRP pocket Wattmeter/dummy load, 5 Watts

QRP WattMeter/Dummy load

Check your true QRP output power with this sensitive MFJ QRP Watt-meter.

Has a built-in 50 Ohm dry load for testing your rig.

Gives reading to 5 Watts full scale from 1.8 to 150 MHz.

Has BNC male that fits directly to your BNC radio input. 

Compact 2W x 2 1/4H x 1 1/2D inches. 

Fits in your pants pocket -- don’t leave home without it!

 Em breve traducão em Português (BR).


QRP WattMeter/Dummy load

Check your true QRP output power with this sensitive MFJ QRP Watt-meter.

Has a built-in 50 Ohm dry load for testing your rig.

Gives reading to 5 Watts full scale from 1.8 to 150 MHz.

Has BNC male that fits directly to your BNC radio input. 

Compact 2W x 2 1/4H x 1 1/2D inches. 

Fits in your pants pocket -- don’t leave home without it!

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