KP-2/220 Pre-amplifier,1-1/4 meters mast-mount,220-225 MHz


  • KP-2/220 Pre-amplifier,1-1/4 meters mast-mount,220-225 MHz
Disponibilidade: Este produto não está disponível para venda em nossa loja virtual. Por favor, solicite uma cotação pelo e-mail ou Whatsapp (19) 99939-5597


Alto ganho de ultra baixo ruído GaAs FET pré-amplificadores para receber sinais fracos. Selecione-poder ganho impede intermodulação receptor. 15-22 dB. Auto RF mudar para 160W. Escolha modelos Mast-monte,-shackor).


Model Frequency
Model KP-1 In-Shack Models
KP-1/10M 28-30 Mhz
KP-1/6M 50-54 MHz
KP-1/2M 144-148 Mhz
KP-1/220 220-225 MHz
KP-1/440 430-450 MHz
Model KP-2 Mast Mount Models
KP-2/10M 28-30 Mhz
KP-2/6M 50-54 MHz
KP-2/2M 144-148 Mhz
KP-2/220 220-225 MHz
KP-2/440 430-450 MHz

 Em breve traducão em Português (BR).


In-Shack Model Features:
• Automatic RF Switching
• GaAsFET boosts weak receive signals
• In-Line design for easy operation
• High or Low switchable gain setting
• Gain: from 15 dB to greater than 25 dB
• Noise: less than 1 dB
• Power Handling: 100 Watts
• Size: 4 1/4" W x 2 5/16" H x 1 3/16" D

Mast Mount Model Features:
• Automatic RF Switching
• GaAsFET boosts weak receive signals
• Mast Mounted design to reduce loss
• In-Line design for easy operation
• High or Low switchable gain setting
• Gain: from 15 dB to greater than 25 dB
• Noise: less than 1 dB
• Power Handling: 100 Watts
• Voltage: 12-15 VDC
• Size: 4 1/4" W x 2 5/16" H x 1 3/16" D

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