IC-F9021 P25 Digital & Analog portables VHF/UHF


  • IC-F9021 P25 Digital & Analog portables VHF/UHF
  • IC-F9021 P25 Digital & Analog portables VHF/UHF
  • IC-F9021 P25 Digital & Analog portables VHF/UHF
  • IC-F9021 P25 Digital & Analog portables VHF/UHF
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IC-F9021 P25 Digital & Analog portables VHF/UHF

P25 Radio Solutions for All Public Safety Customers

Heavy duty and portable, the F9011 and F9021 radios offer both analog conventional and P25 digital conventional operation. The P25 trunked option can be added to operate on local, regional or statewide P25 systems. Designed specifically for the public safety user, the F9011 portables provide excellent operation for both gloved and non-gloved users alike. This product series offers ergonomic advantages that make daily operation comfortable and tactical as expected. Users can choose from a basic non-display, display or display with keypad model. The large 24 character LCD displays various operating statuses and the 4-way cross keypad on the front panel provides an intuitive user interface. Icom is the smart choice for current – and future – public safety communication needs.


  512 channels w/128 zones

Output Power:

  6W (VHF) 5W (UHF)


  136-174MHz, 380-470MHz, 450-520MHz

P25 Capability:

  P25 Conventional built-in with a P25 Trunking option

Waterproof Rating:


Programmable keys:

  12 buttons, 1 toggle, 1 3-position switch

Compatible Mobile:

  F9511 Series


  Basic model without a display or keypad
Model with a display and limited keypad
Model with display and full DTMF keypad

Vote Scan

The conventional voting mode scan detects the signal strength level of repeater stations and automatically selects the strongest station, useful for roaming between two or more repeater sites. After programing the voting mode to a memory zone, the user can easily start voting mode operation by changing the zone setting.

P25 Conventional & Trunking Features

  • Interoperability
    Conforms to the standard specifications for TIA/EIA TSB-102, CAAB, Digital C4FM Transceiver Performance Recommendations and provides interoperability with other brand P25 equipment for public safety applications. The F9011 series is P25 CAP Compliant on the DHS website and more information can be found on the site.
  • Digital/Analog mixed mode operations
    Mixed mode operation allows users to detect and receive both analog FM and P25 digital modes and to transmit either mode depending on programming.
  • Individual ID and talkgroup ID
    Provides 100 individual ID and 250 talkgroup ID memories. Use the display to visually select the person or group to call.
  • Encryption options
    AES and DES encryption keeps conversations secure with the optional AES/DES or DES encryption unit. An optional FIPS AES board is certified to FIPS 140-2 for optimal secure communications.
  • OTAR (Over-the-Air-Rekeying)
    Supports P25 OTAR for changing encryption keys over the air.
  • Enhanced Vocoder ready
    Uses the DVSI's AMBE+2™ vocoder.
  • ATG (Announcement talkback group)
    Call a large group of groups on a trunking network. Dispatcher can hear replies when radios respond to an announcement group call.
  • ESN programming
    Save ESN’s in a cloning file to only allow approved radios on trunking systems.

Abundant Scanning Settings

The dual priority scan monitors two primary channels alternately, while scanning other channels. The mode dependent scan function automatically changes the scan list according to the operating channel. the talk back function with timer beep, TC channel and cancel channel settings allow you to preset the transmission channel when you push the PTT button during scanning operation or cancel the scanning.

Additional Features

  • Toggle switch at the top of the radio turns on the encryption.
  • Three position switch allows user to quickly select an operation zone.
  • Man down unit option sends an emergency signal when the radio is left in a horizontal position for a preset time.
  • Tactical group function allows you to copy memory channels to the tactical zone and temporarily regroup memory channels.
  • VOX function for hands-free operation.
  • Talk around function.



Frequency coverage
Number of channels Max. 512 channels/ 128 zones
Power supply requirement 7.2V DC nominal

Current drain (approx.)

Tx High (6W/5W) 2.2.A (VHF) or 2.1A (UHF)
Rx Max. Audio 800mA (backlight off)
  Stand-by 300mA (backlight off)
Operating temperature range –30°C to +60°C; –22°F to +140°F
Antenna impedance 50Ω
Dimensions (W×H×D)


(Dimensions include BP254 battery pack)


14.1oz (with BP-253)
15.9oz (with BP-254)

Channel spacing 15/30 kHz (analog)
12.5 kHz (digital)
Output power 6W VHF, 5W UHF
Max. frequency deviation
Maximum pattern
±5.0/2.5 kHz (Wide/Narrow)
±2.85 kHz (Digital)
Frequency error ±1.0ppm
Spurious emissions 75/80 dB typ. (VHF/UHF)
Adjacent channel power 70/60dB min (wide/Narrow)
67dB min. (Digital)
FM hum and noise 45/40dB typ. (Wide/Narrow)
Audio harmonic distortion 2% typ. (40% deviation)
External microphone impedance 2.2kΩ (14-pin multiconnector)
0.25μV typ. (at 12dB SINAD)
0.30μV typ. (at 5% BER)
Squelch sensitivity 0.25μV typ. (at threshold)
Adjacent Ch. selectivity
Analog (TIA/EIA603B)
75/48dB typ. (VHF, Wide/Narrow)
75/50dB typ. (UHF, Wide/Narrow)
80/70dB typ. (VHF, Wide/Narrow)
76/70dB typ. (UHF, Wide/Narrow)
60dB typ.
Spurious  response 80dB min.
Intermodulation 75dB typ.
Audio output power
External audio (D-sub)
1.0W typ. at 10% distortion with a 8Ω load
Hum and noise ratio 50/45dB typ. (VHF, Wide/Narrow)
50/44dB typ. (UHF, Wide/Narrow)
External speaker connector 14-pin multi connector/8Ω

Applicable U.S. Military Specifications
Icom makes rugged products that have been tested to and passed the following MIL-STD requirements and ingress protection standards.

Standard MIL 810 G
Method Proc
Low Pressure 500.5 I, II
High Temperature 501.5 I, II
Low Temperature 502.5 I, II
Temperature Shock 503.5 I
Solar Radiation 505.5 I
Rain Blowing/Drip 506.5 I, III
Humidity 507.5
Salt fog 509.5
Dust Blowing 510.5 I
Immersion 512.5 I
Vibration 514.6 I
Shock 516.6 I, IV

Also meets equivalent MIL-STD-810-C, -D, -E and -F

Ingress Protection Standard
Dust & Water IP57 (Dust-protection and waterproof protection)

Measurements made in accordance with TIA/EIA-102 (Digital), TIA/EIA-603B (Wide/narrow). All stated specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation.

Supplied Accessories

  • Antenna
  • Battery pack, BP-254
  • Belt clip, MB-115

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